Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Out for Lunch with Sadie

Jack is forever the middle child. Sadie takes center stage currently. She is pictured above after having polished off Wendy's chicken nuggets and fries. Sadie is 16 and as I mentioned earlier is on her last legs. However, she had a fabulous day today at the park. We found a level park with lots of trees and she was running around like a puppy. Maybe she is not ready for that last fateful trip to the vet. Or maybe we aren't ready. Ok--Look at how happy she is:


Anonymous said...

Oh misha and blogger friends-- I hope all is well. I am now down in the dumps because my town had a tornado run though and my basement is now drenched. The carpet I obsessed over about pepto bismol stain is no longer a worry, it will be in Monday's trash. So, you never know. it could be worse.

And the worst thing is I haven't been able to cook 1 thing. I bake my own bread and make foods for my son from scratch. So I went for mexican fast food and have not been well. I will never make that mistake again.
FF is thre a better thing to use than pill form peprto? I just don't think it's doing the trick. please advise.

Oh== Misha hope all is well. I think the place in Iowa we get all of the prayer chain requests from is Lemon City. Do you know of the place?. There are some great people with many things they worry about but god is on their side.

Bless you my friends, someone from church has just arrived with a meal they have cooked.

Take care,


Anonymous said...

dear mom,

i have to admit, i just sat and read this WHOLE THING.

i was sitting on the edge of the chair the whole time thinking you could come up from the basement and catch me elbow deep lurking in the thing i give you the MOST amount of crap for..

it was fun reading though and the pictures were adorable. we need to get high speed internet and don't give me to much crap when i get home tommorrow.

truly yours,

p.s. check "the weigh in" you used the wrong form of "knew" ...just so you know. :)

Misha said...

GWP-Thanks for reading. Send it to all your friends and classmates--I think they could learn a lot about life from this blog. Also--thanks for finding the typo which I have already corrected. I will let you be a guest blogger sometime. Let me know when you have a Jack related topic. PS--you used the wrong "to" in your comment. HA!

Faith-I don't think FF is allowed to give pharmacy advice over the internet. Apparently it is against company policy. Sorry about the tornado. Your family must be very spoiled with the home cooked meals. I am trying to put some weight on Angry T who is currently in football. He does love fast food taco's though and potato ole's are his favorite. Chili Pepper can tell you the fast food places to avoid. She knows the taco biz. I bet you went to her competitor. As for the little town...you may be confused....does ORANGE CITY sound more familiar? Orange City is the home of the tulip festival and famous for its churches and clean living. FF used to live there so she can tell you all about it.(FF--I can't remember, did they kick you out or did you leave willingly) She took me there for the festival BEFORE she told me there was no beer tent. So we had poper-somthings (dutch pancakes) instead.

Anonymous said...


We are so happy to have you commenting with us. You can help us keep your mom in line. Please dont judge my grammer though. I am more a numbers girl. lol Faith I am sorry to hear about the tornado, I hope all turns out well for you.

chile pepper


FF I may wait for the cold weather to do my night out on the town. He HE

Anonymous said...

Usually I just lurk on this blog but today I have to comment. Church Lady in the comment section...first of all, when someone is losing a family member, even if it is a dog, they don't want to hear about your stained carpet or acid indigestion. Second of all, if you are so HOLY you should know that you never write the name of God with a lower case g. The nuns at my school would have clubbed you for doing that.
Catholic School Survivor
PS--GWP: I loved reading your walls. You sound like a great kid.

Anonymous said...

Potatoe ole---no way. That is what made me sick. I will never go to that place again. CP-- where do you go for mexican food? I will never go to that place.
Orange City Misha--that is it. FF are you one of the founders of the colony? It is so great you have such faith and pray for Misha and Tom. It sounds like CP needs your influnce. Got to go

Anonymous said...

Faith--oh, absolutely not a founder, not even close, onmygod NO! i will refrain from elaborating. since your church prays for them, dare i assume that you are from the Reformed Church and/or Dutch?

Chili pepper- you are so evil!!

Girl-with-phone--you are too funny! i wish your mom had caught you reading JJ, tho!

Misha, Sadie does look like she enjoyed her day. so, how much weight has Jack lost?????

oh, and i left sioux center VERY willingly, happily, practically skipping!!! duh, no beer tent...no liquor stores...it was an ugly 8 years!!

great scootering tonight! thanks for going with me to drop of JK..we need to come up with a name for her....???? any ideas anyone?

until we meet again.....


Anonymous said...

oh, and Hello to the Lurker!!! drop in on us anytime!

Anonymous said...


I have spent hours at my church lighting candles and leading prayer chains for Misha and her dogs and her kids, I know it seems like I am badgering everyone but I feel strongly about this. I can understand FF's point of view and accept it. I do have some of my best friends that go to bars and eat fast food--do not worry--sheltered I'm not.

I do apologize for not capitalizing the word God. It was a mistake as the lurker pointed out.
As far as not being sympathtic, I will work on that. I have been completley humbled by my experience on the blog. I will try to be more understanding.
FF I will never ask another pharmacy question on line again. I can understand there must be many quacks on the internet,

PLEASE DO NOT BLOCK ME FROM THIS BLOG>I will continue to pray for Evil Chili Pepper--You are kidding about that FF aren't you?


Anonymous said...

faith- Chili pepper is sooooooo evil!!! she needs all the prayer you can give her... TEEHEE CP!!

for liability purposes i am not allowed to extend any medical advice, thank-you for understanding.

faith, everyone can use a prayer and i am sure we all appreciate your thinking of us. just understand, religion is a very private and personal thing. i think we all feel the same in that we don't want religion shoved down our throats. we all have have our own faith lives and we prefer to keep them private. 'nuff said.

misha...i got your forward.. you are evil, too!!!


Anonymous said...


Have you not learned you lesson on judging people. You dont even know what taco joint I support, but you are already going to be negative to it. Now I may not be the bible master that your are but is it the word of God to be so judgemental. I think not. And as for needing ff influence I will take it because she is a great person, not because I need it. You dont even know me so dont call me evil. Only ff can get away with that.

Lurker, great comment and I look forward to hear more from you!!!

Misha, I think they kicked ff out of Lemon (lol) city because she had the flamigo bar in her basement. He He!!!!!

chili pepper

Anonymous said...

just so you know, the flamingo bar and safari lounge didn't happen until i came here...you know, after JM and I "stole" the lawn flamingos?

hey CP, fun ride last night with the "cuz". she nearly dumped once..did she tell you about that?
did cuz read JJ? i'll bet she is hooked now.

missed you last night, misha. hope you had a nice visit with your company.

GUESS WHAT??!!! i have monday OFF now! my relief gal called and offered to work it! YAY!!!

isn't there a husker game tomorrow?GO BIG RED!!!

anyone LURKING out there? speak up!!

see you all for sure sunday!!
