Thursday, February 28, 2008


So I am a college librarian. And don't get me wrong...I enjoy google and all of the google underlings (froogle, google images, etc). I am just a firm believer in using the right tool for the job. For most students, I encourage, implore, suggest, cajole, recommend they use the subscription article databases to which we subscribe for their papers and presentations. Yesterday, after spending 40 minutes with a group of students explaining scholarly articles, peer review, evaluation of sources and database searching techniques.....a student, and I quote, said:

"Dude......Why we can't just google dis shit"

I'll be home tomorrow to celebrate the big thaw. 40 degrees? seriously?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I'm Back, Baby!

Hi Everyone!

I feel like this first post should be impressive or meaningful, but think BABY STEPS. So here is the deal. I have been on hiatus...but not in some kindof loyalty to the writers strike. You see, I have moved...or as I like to say...I have abandoned my family and am living across the state in my own little world. Here is the thing. I got this great job 3 hours away. As you may recall, Tom had lost his job and we were looking at a potential move. But my job in this more prosperous part of the state opened up first. I have struggled with the idea of continuing Just Jack, because I only see him on weekends. However, the scooter gang has convinced me that since I digress from Jack as the subject of the blog anyway, I should start up again.

I will fill everyone in later on the details and moving plan, but let me start by telling you a little bit about my apartment. I live in a drafty, 1920ish home that has been chopped up into apartments. It is very cute and has everything a person could want except for a garage, laundry facilities and a bathroom door. Angry-T (who is considerably angrier due to the upset of his life and the idea of moving) calls it "ghetto". Some people describe the decor as dorm room meets flea market, but I would argue that it may be a step below that. I have furnished it with items that have been discarded as unacceptable by Gadget Boy. At least I have art.

So--I am back, baby. I even see a few commenters who discovered JJ while I was away. Hopefully I can get back (most) of my fans. Some were a little scary.